Fishing tackle carry rack-Baby Tarpon Core Fly Selection

Size w/ Foam Box w/ Magnum Fly Box w/ Baby Boat Box w/o Box
Selection Includes 23 Flies:
Puglisi Tarpon Streamer Black/Purple sz 2/0 (qty 2)
Tarpon GurglerWHT/OLV sz 1 (qty. 2)
Tarpon Gurgler TN/OLV sz 1 (qty 2)
Meglopsicle Tan/Orange sz 1/0 (qty 3)
Meglopsicle Olive/Rust sz 1/0 (qty. 1)
Meglopsicle CHT/YLLO sz 1/0 (qty 1)
TCL Special Natural sz 1/0 (qty 2)
TCL Special Black sz 1/0 (qty 2)
Triple Threat Tarpon sz 1/0 (qty 2)
Fishalicious RED/WHT sz 1/0 (qty 2)
Puglisi Everglades Special sz 1/0 (qty 2)
Puglisi Bay Anchovy sz 1/0 (qty 2)
If we do not have the flies in stock to fill your selection, we will make the appropriate substitutions.